Your resource for becoming a Main Street Association member!

GMSA Annual Membership 2025

We aim to promote Main Street, develop and implement events and promotions, and attract additional businesses, residents, and tourists to our historic village. We strive to continue to make Main Street beautiful and a great place to visit, live, invest, and work. We ask that you join us in our efforts. Gloucester Main Street Association (GMSA) is a 501c6 non-profit organization comprised of business owners, commercial property owners, and with other supporters of Gloucester’s Main Street in the Historic Gloucester Village.

We receive NO funding from any government agency. We depend, in part on support from ALL parties interested in the development and growth of our downtown including members of our community, Main Street businesses, as well as other businesses and organizations.

We were recognized and received a 2021 Virginia Main Street Award for BEST BUSINESS SUPPORT PROGRAM! We remain accredited and are committed to the Four-Point Approach of Promotion, Organization, Economic Vitality, and Design. We invite you to invest alongside us. Please review the attached descriptions of the four membership levels to determine which best meets your business needs. Gloucester Main Street Association (GMSA) is a 501c6 non-profit organization comprised of business owners, commercial property owners, and other supporters of Gloucester’s Main Street in the Historic Gloucester Village.

Our mission is to promote and preserve downtown Gloucester's history, economy, and social vitality. We strive to continue to make Main Street beautiful and a great place to visit, live, invest, and work. We ask that you join us in our efforts. THANK YOU for your investment in our Downtown!

GMSA Membership Benefits

Annual Cost $325

Marketing & Promotions

  • Enhanced Business Listing on the Gloucester Main Street online business directory.

  • Listing Management and Event Posting to increase visibility for your business and events at the state tourism level.

  • Events and Sales are promoted in our monthly community newsletter.

  • Social Media Exposure: one original post on Facebook and Instagram each month, plus one post shared from the member’s social media.

  • Cooperative Advertising opportunities to broaden your reach.

  • Specialized Sponsorship Opportunities for increased business visibility by supporting Main Street events and initiatives. Opportunities include monetary, volunteer, and in-kind.


  • Quarterly Photoshoot with a professional photographer: receive high-quality, seasonal images (four photos minimum per year).

Event Support

  • Ribbon cuttings, First Fridays, special events, and more.

Educational Workshops & Webinars

  • Ribbon cuttings, First Fridays, special events, and more

Other Perks

  • Facade Design Assistance by Frazier Associates offered through Virginia Main Street

  • Commercial Property Listings on the Gloucester Main Street website for district properties that are available for sale or rent.

  • Access to Resource Guides covering business resources, best practices, and local partners.

  • Grant Opportunities include the Facade & Interior Grant Program and support for other small business and marketing grants.

  • Access to Strategic Partners and Resources such as the Small Business Development Center, Retail Alliance, and more.

  • Business Spotlights in our social media and newsletter (members to provide content).

Membership Application


New or returning members please complete the application in full (online or via download) and submit it with payment to Gloucester Main Street Association

Indicate on a separate form (which may be found at the Main Street offices) if there are any membership services you are not interested in for 2025, i.e. social media posts

Annual Membership is due by 1/31/25 (New members can join at any time)

All applications and questions can be directed to:

E: | P: 804.824.9614 | Office Address: 68822 Main St. Ste. G | Gloucester, VA 23061 | Mailing Address: P.O. Box 265 Gloucester, VA 23061

You may fill and pay online if desired or if you prefer to download and complete a fillable PDF form please choose the applicable form button below and mail with payment to the mailing address above.

Online Application Option - Please fill out completely