MSPT Grant Application
Highlighted Information for Grant Applicants
Incomplete applications and applications submitted after the deadline will not be considered for funding
An applicant may be awarded only (1) grant per project/property per grant cycle
The Gloucester Village Main Street area is defined as Main Street between Courthouse Square and the Main Street Center
All funded projects must be in compliance with the Gloucester Village Main Street Design Guidelines, available on the Main Street Preservation Trust’s website
All grant funds are provided upon reimbursement only at the completion of each project
In-kind donations of materials or services cannot be submitted for matching funds. All goods and services must be purchased from established suppliers or rendered by professional service providers.
Application Materials
Full grant application, with required signatures, and all forms. Incomplete grant applications will not be considered.
Full project budget, detailing 50% matching funding request, and quotes for proposed work from appropriately licensed contractors, professional services, etc.
Before photos, renderings, and visual references of intended projects
Materials must be submitted at the same time as the application via email to director@mspt.org
Please see our Facade Grant Brochure for more complete information.